Application introduction of library speed pass swing gate08 29,2023A library is an institution that collects, organizes, and collects books and materials for people to read and refer to. The earliest library appeared as early as 3000 BC. The library has the functions of preserving human cultural heritage, developing infoVIEW
Wing gate CXT-YW360H07 17,2023Every time it stretches 90 degrees and detects the passing of people and objects, it will automatically reset, or if it does not pass within the specified time (multiple delays can be adjusted), the system will automatically cancel the permission of thisVIEW
What kind of gate should be used in the kindergarten channel06 12,2023Innovative channel gate manufacturers have ten years of experience in channel gate production and channel scheme design. We have the ability and technology to provide kindergartens with the most professional pick-up and drop-off channel safety design solVIEW
The working principle of the three-roll gate10 26,2022The access management and control system of the three-roller gate channel has various functions such as door access control, real-time monitoring, and security alarm. So as to provide users with an ef...VIEW